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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Confictura - Legend & Adventure
Confictura: Legend & Adventure A people-first roleplaying shard. Leave your mark on the world. No donation link, no pay to win features. A shard for true adventurers! Visit our website to download required files. - 1000 point skill cap standard start with alternate starts available - 33 categories of non-human playable races with their own bonuses - 9 lands to unlock and over 100 dungeons to explore - All skills are useful and custom skills available - Build in and around premade and custom houses using Remodeling and Lawn Tools - Discover 12 new variants of magic - Hundreds of artifacts and other treasures to find, including weapons, armor, clothing, trinkets, and other rarities - Intricate quests that take you on dungeon delves across all 9 lands for splendid rewards - Comprehensive in-game Help Menu and Info Menu available on your Paperdoll - No wiki, just talk to any NPC within the game world to learn how things work
Cur: 2
Avg: 4
Max: 16
Cur: 64ms
Avg: 74ms
Up: 99.58%
Confictura - Legend & Adventure
Classic UO Second Age Shard (Pre-UO:R). 1998/1999 era combat, weapons, armor, healing, spell damage, pre-casting, moongates, magic jewelry and clothing, etc. Felucca only.
Cur: 2
Avg: 2
Max: 3
Cur: 156ms
Avg: 179ms
Up: 99.98%
UO Succession
THE ULTIMATE OLD SCHOOL, UNIQUE, AND FUN SERVER! Start with 900/300 skill/stat.//Trammel with Felucca rule set.//Took advantage of all dungeons, and they have new entrances in Trammel and Ter Mur.//Classic weapons plus some newer named weapons.//Classic armor plus some newer named armor.//Classic UO play with custom content.//Classic crafting system with additional new MASTER CRAFTER system. Craft Power Scrolls, Armor, Weapons, and more UNIQUE CRAFTABLES.// Classic ridables with additional ridables.//Classic tamables with additional tamables.//Classic Bosses with additional Bosses.//New Faction system with Game of Thrones. Alliance(human) vs. Horde(non-human). Attack the enemies castle and take the throne. On going battle to control the throne.//Poison your arrows with your poisoner.//Unique Bounty system.// Automated Capture the Flag.//Passageway to Fire & Ice Island.
Cur: 2
Avg: 1
Max: 5
Cur: 112ms
Avg: 156ms
Up: 99.42%
UO Succession
Whispering Pines
Fun, family oriented PVM shard. Friendly and professional staff. Customs include items, monsters, quests and towns, with more being added all the time. Easy start professions remove much of the training drudgery. No skillcap, 365 statcap (with scrolls).
Cur: 2
Avg: 3
Max: 6
Cur: 176ms
Avg: 211ms
Up: 99.9%
Whispering Pines
- Cryptonite -
Serveur gratuit francophone. PVP - PVM et RP. Ce serveur, qui utilise sphere, comprend un balancement des 3 types de jeu. HRP interdit. Peu importe votre style de jeu préféré, l'univers de Cryptonite vous permet de faire évoluer votre personnage dans l'univers d'Ultima Online.
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 6
Cur: 24ms
Avg: 58ms
Up: 98.79%
- Cryptonite -
Angel Island - UO:Renaissance
| Felucca Only | Smart NPCs | Townships | Kin Factions | Bounty System | Boating & Pirating | Balanced buyback system | Magic Equipment Crafting | Dragon Breeding | Plant System | Slayer & Summoner Templates | Player Run Tournaments | Player Run Quest | Champion Spawns
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 4
Cur: 154ms
Avg: 165ms
Up: 95.9%
Angel Island - UO:Renaissance
Age of Shadows Server
Cur: 1
Avg: 0
Max: 3
Cur: 272ms
Avg: 271ms
Up: 96.33%
No Trammel || Open PvP || Crafted from Defiance [DFI] and AoS Longevity original code || Daily CTF + Pentagram. AWS Data Center Hosted || Hunter BODs || Hidden Bitcoin and cryptocurrency || No Trammel || 720 Skill Cap || Fast Start || No pay to win shop || Dev Team Based out of Chicago, USA.
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 6
Cur: 71ms
Avg: 75ms
Up: 100%
Die Wendelwelt ist ein deutschsprachiger Shard mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Rollenspiel. PVP, große Featureliste, Profichars und vieles mehr. Profichars können unwiderruflich sterben, sind aber stärker als normale Spieler. Mit der Meisterlaute kann der Barde eigene Lieder komponieren und der Drachenflug ermöglicht die Reise zu entlegenen Orten auf dem Rücken eines Drachens. Das Klassensystem verhindert Magier-Paladin-Nekro-Ritter-Barden. Es gibt Punkte für gutes Rollenspiel. Das Skillscap beträgt 1000. Brieftauben dienen der Kommunikation über weite Strecken und wer einen Wilden spielen möchte, erhält besonderen Schmuck, statt eine schwere Rüstung. Zelte vergammeln und Tiere schlafen nachts. Es empfiehlt sich die gelegentliche Wäsche und man sollte essen und trinken. In Betten kann man schlafen, alle Häuser sind Unikate. Man kann besondere Wölfe und einzigartige Pferde züchten. Die Nächte sind sehr gefährlich. Interesse geweckt?
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 4
Cur: 476ms
Avg: 492ms
Up: 99.99%
A custom shard with a classic feel focused on long term play-ability, community, and survival. Life here is not for the feint of heart. Trolls hit like trolls, and death has consequences. True player run economy, expanded quest and crafting system. NEW HOST
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 81ms
Avg: 86ms
Up: 99.99%
(Pages: [first] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [Last] )

(There is a total of 186 listed shards out of 1370)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.